Church Groups
Family Faith Formation
The Family Faith Formation group helps to organize and prepare children to receive their sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation.
If you would like more information, you can call the church at 705 457-3695 or contact the Family Faith Formation group coordinator Allison Hunter
705 457-7875.
Catholic Women's League
The Catholic Women's League meets on the 1st Monday of every month at 12:15 pm beginning with the Rosary for Peace. Announcements for upcoming meetings are posted in the weekend bulletin.
To get in touch with the CWL please contact:
CWL President - Peggy Flowers
Phone: 705-754-9456
Knights of Columbus
Upcoming meetings are posted in the weekend bulletin.
To become a member or to get in touch with the Knights of Columbus, please contact:
Grand Knight - Miles Maughan
Phone: 705-754-0869
Click on the link to the Knights of Columbus website to join.
Mass Schedule:
Saturday (Vigil Mass) 4:30 pm
Sunday 8:00 am
On Long weekends only
Confessions: 4:00 pm Saturday
After Wednesday mass
Weekday Mass
8:30 am- Adoration
9:30 am - Mass
Stations of the Cross
Rosary for peace
Before every Mass ​
Solemnity of Christmas
Christmas Eve
Tuesday December 24th - 8:00 pm
Christmas Day
Wednesday December 25th - 9:00 am
Feast of the Holy Family
Saturday December 28th - 4:30 pm
Solemnity of Mary
the Mother of God
New Year's Eve
Tuesday December 31st - 4:30 pm
Other Groups
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous meet every -
Sundays at 10:30 am
Al-Anon group meets every Thursday evening at 7:00 pm
Church Functions
Furnace Campaign 50/50 Draw March - December. Tickets on Sale after Mass.
​Annual Christmas Potluck and Loonie Auction - December 14th